Friday, December 01, 2017

Ski Resort in Review - Park City

Resort #12 - Park City

Date -  March 11, 2017

Runs - 17

Rating -  (out of 5 stars)

We had saved Park City until late in the season in the hopes that our ski legs and stamina would continue to improve and that we would be able to take advantage of the big resort.

I wish that the Canyons and Park City were still separate resorts (that would have given us one more resort to ski), but instead they are now combined into a mega resort. In high school I spent a lot of time on the slopes at the Canyons (including cutting a good number of school days chasing the best snow) and ever since it has been one of my favorite resorts.

We started on the Canyons side and then slowly skied our way over to Park City.  By the time that we got there, we were feeling pretty tired and we had to start making our way back over to the Canyons.

We traveled 36.5 miles on the mountains, including 21.7 miles of skiing, making this our most productive day of the year.

The orange is from the snow/wind shield on the lift (See the photo below for example).

Lunch was good.

Next Up: Brighton

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