Monday, July 21, 2008

How Fast is Your Connection?

I loved the speed of the internet at our old apartment in University Village. I even bragged about the speed of it a while back. Lucky for us, now that we have to pay for an expensive internet connection we get more than double the speed. At least Comcast no longer practices traffic shaping. Can anyone beat it?

(The fastest I've seen is from a buddy that works at L3. 30,000+ kb/s download speeds!)


JTENMAN said...

You can check my results out here.That is at my first job (I'll check my second job later but I am sure it is much slower). You are beating me in the download department but I am killing you in upload speed. I am going to have 30,000 kb/s when I get my own home...

Sabrina said...

Well, you've got us beat on download speeds by a little bit. Our speed is 11,462 but, our upload speed is pretty freaking great at 13,873. We've got a fiber optic line down here. We will be sad to see it go when we move. I don't think they have anything like that available in Tucson.

Josh said...

I just tested here at work and my download was 29,841 kb/s and upload was 61,834 kb/s. That's pretty cool, I'll have to test my home connection tonight.

tysqui said...

Wow. Those are some pretty impressive speeds. Here at work I get 8990 down and 7584 up. Nothing special.

Anonymous said...

Just chiming in from BYU's campus (my work). The official speed test results say 26255 down and 2990 up. I actually have gotten download speeds of up to 7 megabytes/sec (~56000kb/s) on campus. Of course very few servers out there will serve you that much data at once.

tysqui said...

It also depends enormously on the load on the network (at the time of the test). If you network servers and switches are bogged down with other requests then your speeds will show it.

Campuses are some of the speediest places to do business - especially if you check them in the middle of the night.

Josh said...

Yeah, I did it again this morning before very many people got here and my download speed was up to 50,254. The upload stayed about the same at 60,284.