Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day everybody. Alison and I have committed to reduce our individual emissions this year. In a nutshell, we will no longer eat refried beans, black beans, pinto beans, green bananas or Nesquik. By cutting these gas-producing foods out of our diet, we hope to turn our house into an Eco-friendly (pleasant-smelling) place. In fact, the EPA has an individual emissions calculator on their website so you can find places to cut back as well. Check it out here.

In other news, Earth Day has been kind because:
1. The Lakers lost to the Suns
2. The Spurs lost to the Nuggets
3. The Mavericks lost to the Warriors
4. Ada turned 9-months old today. Happy 3/4 birthday Ada!
5. Although A-Rod is playing 'on a whole 'notha level', the Red Sox beat the Yankees in three straight games and today they hit four consecutive home runs.
6. I was released as the Elder's Quorum President. I served for 77 weeks (they usually shoot for about a year) and really enjoyed it. I now look forward to getting my Sunday mornings back and going to church with Alison and Ada.

Happy Earth Day!

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