Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Penguin Vacations


tysqui said...

Happy April Fool's Day!

I almost got Alison today as well. As I was leaving for work this morning, I told her that the toilet was clogged and had overflowed but that I had cleaned it up. I told her that I had e-mailed maintenance and let them know and they would be there to fix it so she shouldn't use the toilet. Well, she told me that when she got up she almost, almost peed in the tub instead of using the toilet, but decided to take her chances. I'm never showering at home again. You never know what's been in there...

alisquire said...

I was going to clean it! You can't deny a pregnant woman toilet privileges!

BTW, Tyler enjoyed his enchilada tonight with an overripe banana baked into it!

sdande said...

Haha...those were good april fools jokes! I left a note for my roomate on tuesday saying that classes were cancelled because it was too icy outside and that he shouldn't go outside at all...(he usually sleeps in so he found it after he had already missed the first class.) He believed it(despite the sun shining outside) but was greatly disapointed when he found my other note saying april fools. Haha

Alysia said...

Very funny! We didn't do any funny tricks this year. Sorry about the car problems. That is never a fun way to spend money!