Thursday, August 09, 2007



tysqui said...

While I don't believe that the troops should be brought home, I don't like the war and I want it to end. I think my opinions on the war are pretty close to those of Democratic Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska.

Clark said...

Just out of curiosity, what is Senator Nelson's plan for Iraq? (Because I'm loathe to google anything remotely related to the war for fear of the 1.7 million fanatical anti-war websites it will undoubtedly bring up.)

tysqui said...

Senator Nelson has most recently said that he would wait until General Patraeus' report comes out in mid-September to determine whether or not the troop surge has worked. I believe that he supports keeping the troops there - as long as the Iraqis are meeting the thresholds and making the improvements that quantify success. Here is an interesting site detailing his voting record. Look up Senators Hatch and Bennett as well.